Tea & Biscuits

Tea Time Tales: The Historical Irish Love Affair with Tea

Tea, the elixir of comfort and conversation, has woven itself into the cultural fabric of nations around the world. In Ireland, the history of tea drinking is rich and steeped in tradition, becoming an integral part of daily life.

An image of The Tea Centre staff member scooping loose leaf tea by hand using a gold scoop. The tea featured is Genmaicha green tea.

The Tea Centre stores: why we scoop loose leaf tea by hand

Not just any tea shop! This Tea Journal entry is a warm nod to our custom of scooping tea by hand, plus all the little quirks that make visiting a Tea Centre store special.

An image of hanging leaves from a gum tree (eucalyptus).

Extraordinary Eucalyptus

Looking for some teas with gumption? Our Australian-grown teas that count extraordinary eucalyptus leaves among their ingredients are the perfect place to start!